Saturday, August 8, 2009

Am I too dependent on my library's computer?

I had planned on starting to request books from my literature and history book lists for first grade and beginning to read from them next week. Currently we are on a child-led tour of African Animals, which is science and also kind of geography. But our literature choices this summer has been pretty much child-led (and mostly twaddle) and he hasn't been interested in history at all.

Now to the point of the post title. We had severe storms and flash flooding in our town on Tuesday. The Main branch of the library lost many books, as well as electrical and the computer server. Now, not only can I not order new books, I don't know when the books (mostly readers from Samuel's summer reading list) we have checked out are due and I can't renew them because it's all on the computer.

They say that the server may be up sometime the beginning of next week. I am trying to decide whether to return all my books "just in case" or risk a fine waiting until I can check on the computer. I still want to start Literature and History next week, so I will go into my branch on Monday and look for one or two of the titles on my list.


  1. Wow, that would be incredibly annoying. Wouldn't they give you a grace period if the problem is on their end?

    I still mark my calendar with library due dates but consider the computer indispensable!

  2. It might be annoying if the circumstances weren't so tragic. There was a flood where 50,000 books were also destroyed. Breaks my heart. They did go ahead with a branch grand opening and they offerred free amnesty for library fines to anyone who brought their books back on that day. Also, an update - the online catalog is now working, but not the account system.
