Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Product Review - ETC Online

I received an e-mail from Homeschool Buyers Co-op and followed a link to this product and to look it over. I am thinking about purchasing either a math or phonics computer "game" for summer school around here. I looked it over on my own and then called Samuel in to do the student demo. I started him at the end of Book 1 which I knew would be no challenge. Most of the exercises entailed reading two sentences and matching one of them to a picture.

It kept working him up the demo levels (not all inclusive) until I knew he wasn't reading or comprehending all the words in the sentences. However, he could read enough of the words to match one correctly to a sentence. To me, this defeats the purpose of telling me where we need to do more off-line work. To be fair, I skipped ahead to a higher level (words ending in -ed) and there were no pictures. That "game" entailed filling in the blank from a list of words to make the sentence make sense.

I have not used the ETC books before, so this may be a good fit for a family who likes and uses these books. It just isn't what I am looking for.


  1. Thanks for the link. We use ETC books, on and off. We got a little too far ahead and took a break for a while.

    I haven't done anything online so it is good to know about the options.

  2. We like the ETC. They are no frills, get the job done!

    Thanks for the book/movie suggestions on my blog. I added that movie to my Netflix and I'm off to surf your booklist.


  3. I haven't seen ETC before.

    Also, thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting on my geography project. I'm still working on what we'll do, but I really like your suggestion!

